Sunday, January 30, 2011

Best Paper Award

    I had presented a paper on ‘Application of ICT in Islamic libraries in Kerala: Problems and Promises” in  National seminar on contemporary issues for library professional in the digital Era (NASCIP 2011) held at INMANTEC institutions, Ghaziabad on 22, January 2011.
            The paper was selected for ‘Best Paper award 2011’.  The paper has been published in Monewwer Eqbal Ed. Information professionals: Issues and challenges in digital age.  New Delhi: Pragun, pp 77-82, 2011
Application of Information and Communication Technology in Islamic Libraries in Kerala: Problems and Promises
Mohamed Musthafa. K
Dept. of Lib & Info. Science
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)


Information and Communication Technology is an integral part of modern libraries and library services. Islamic libraries are one of the special libraries in Kerala organized and maintained by Arabic / Islamic colleges or organizations. This paper discusses the need, scope, prerequisites and limitations of ICT application in Islamic libraries and peep into the present scenario of these libraries. It put forward some suggestions for the further development in information and communication technology application.

Key Words: Islamic Libraries, ICT, Kerala, Masjid Libraries, Wakf, Zakat Foundation

Electronic Publishing at Calicut Medical College

       I had presented a paper on Electronic Publishing at Calicut Medical College, Kerala: A Case Study of Three Open Access Journals in National Conference on “Managing libraries in new information environment” held at Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi on 7-8 January 2011. the paper has been published in Khalid K Faruqui and Manish Pathak Eds. Managing libraries in new information environment. New Delhi: Book Age, pp 280-291, 2011

Electronic Publishing at Calicut Medical College, Kerala: A Case Study of Three Open Access Journals

Mohamed Musthafa. K
Research Scholar,
Dept. of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India

Dr. Naushad Ali. PM
Dept. of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India


Recent developments suggest that open access has gained new momentum in the field of bio-medical research communication. Although various studies have traced the general origins of the medical sciences’ reticence to embrace open access, few have actually considered the scholarly practices and disciplinary priorities that shape a discipline’s adoption of its principles. This article examines the emergence, potential and features of three open access medical journals published form Calicut Medical College, Kerala. The paper discusses subject coverage, periodicity, authenticity, publication charge system, indexing and abstracting, archiving and sustainability, text format, copyright policy, affiliation of contributors and content analysis. The result shows that all three journals are fully dedicated to medical sciences with research contributions from eminent scholars around the globe. Two journals do not charges for publication of article but one charge a nominal fee for submission, publication and correction in articles.  The articles are indexed and abstracted in internationally reputed secondary sources and follow reliable archival policies.
            Keywords: E-publishing, open access journals, Calicut Medical College, Kerala

Friday, January 28, 2011

PhD Admission at University of Mumbai

The University of Mumbai invites application for the Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) of the Jan-Feb Session in the concerned subject of research under the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, Science, Law and Technology.

University of Mumbai



The University of Mumbai invites application for the Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) of the Jan-Feb Session in the concerned subject of research under the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, Science, Law and Technology.

  • Date and Time of Ph. D. Entrance Test:- Saturday, 26thFebruary, 2011 at 11:00 am to 02:00 pm.
  • Starting Date for acceptance of Application Form:- 27thJanuary, 2011 
  • Last Date for acceptance of Application Form:-16thFebruary, 2011 up to 05:00 pm.
  • Eligibility:- As per the Ordinances O.5473, O.5474, O.5476 of the University of Mumbai as mentioned in the VCD. No.  Exam./Thesis/Univ. /VCD/2414 of 2010 (ReferAnnexure - I for VCD & Annexure - II for UG-441 0f 2005 Circular)               
  • Registration fees along with Application Form: - A Demand draft in the name of �Finance & Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai� of Rs. 1000/- for General Category  and Rs. 500/- for Reserved Category as mention in VCD.
        Syllabus for the Entrance Test:- Topics included in the compulsory / core papers at Post Graduate Degree level programmes in the respective Research Subject of the University of Mumbai.(refer Annexure - III for the list of Research Subjects )
        Exemption from test:- As mention in clause No. 9 of said VCD (Refer Annexure - I for VCD) The Exempted Candidates shall submit their application on or before 10th March, 2011 to the directly to the concerned research centre as per clause No. 11.1(a). (In case of any doubt candidate may contact to Thesis Section)

The details of subject wise vacancy position of Ph. D. seats along with the Recognized Research Center and guiding teachers are shown in the Annexure - IV. However, the number of vacancy may change due to transfer of guiding teacher from one institution to another institute (Refer Annexure - IV for details)
The candidates can download the Application Form for the said Entrance Test from the University website and submit it along with the attested photocopies of previous Educational Qualification and work experience certificates (if any) at Room No. 129, First Floor, Thesis Section, Fort Campus of the University on or before 16thFebruary, 2011 up to 05:00 pm. (refer Annexure - V for Application Form)
The Pre Ph.D. course work is mandatory, except for those who have been granted exemption as per U.G.C. rules and regulations which are mentioned in the VCD. No. Exam. /Thesis/Univ. /VCD/2414 of 2010 dated 18th November, 2010.
The details regarding the same is available on the University website

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Physical verification of Library books,Loss of books & Procurement rules:GOI

Government of India;  Ministry of Finance ;Department of Expenditure
General Financial  Rules, 2005

Physical verification of Library books
Rule 194. Physical verification of Library books :

(i) Complete physical verification of books should be done every year in case of libraries having not more than 20,000 volumes. For libraries having more than 20,000 volumes and upto 50,000 volumes, such verification should be done at least once in three years. Sample
physical verification at intervals of not more than three years should be done in case of libraries having more than 50,000 volumes. In case such a verification reveals unusual or unreasonable shortages, complete verification shall be done.

(ii) Loss of five volumes per one thousand volumes of books issued / consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable provided such losses are not attributable to dishonesty or negligence. However, loss of a book of a value exceeding Rs. 1,000/- (One thousand only) and rare books irrespective of value shall invariably be investigated and appropriate action taken.

Rule 136. Definition of Goods : The term 'goods' used in this chapter applies generally to all articles, material, commodities, livestock, furniture, fixtures, raw material, spares, instruments, machinery, equipment, industrial plant etc. purchased or otherwise acquired for the use of Government but excluding books, publications, periodicals, etc. for a library.

Government of India;  Ministry of Finance ;Department of Expenditure
General Financial  Rules, 2005

Full file available here :