I had presented a paper on ‘Application of ICT in Islamic libraries in Kerala: Problems and Promises” in National seminar on contemporary issues for library professional in the digital Era (NASCIP 2011) held at INMANTEC institutions, Ghaziabad on 22, January 2011.
The paper was selected for ‘Best Paper award 2011’. The paper has been published in Monewwer Eqbal Ed. Information professionals: Issues and challenges in digital age. New Delhi : Pragun, pp 77-82, 2011
Application of Information and Communication Technology in Islamic Libraries in Kerala: Problems and Promises
Mohamed Musthafa. K
Dept. of Lib & Info. Science
Information and Communication Technology is an integral part of modern libraries and library services. Islamic libraries are one of the special libraries in Kerala organized and maintained by Arabic / Islamic colleges or organizations. This paper discusses the need, scope, prerequisites and limitations of ICT application in Islamic libraries and peep into the present scenario of these libraries. It put forward some suggestions for the further development in information and communication technology application.